Timberlink’s vision is to have a proactive and caring safety culture where everyone gets Home Safe every day.
The Timberlink Home Safe program communicates our vision and commitment to all employees, contractors, and visitors to our sites. Home Safe helps everyone identify how we each contribute to delivering and maintaining safe work environments for all.

Timberlink is committed to effective hazard and risk identification and control of company processes and activities performed by Timberlink workers.
Timberlink empowers workers to identify and manage risks in their work environment to create a safe place for everyone.

Our safety culture
Timberlink’s safety culture is driven by a leadership style that aims to empower all workers by creating a learning culture… this learning culture has assisted in enabling our Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR) to decline by over 50% from 2022 to 2024.
Every Timberlink employee is a safety leader and is supported to stop work for critical safety risks.
Our mission is to be a socially responsible business through safety innovation and technology that proactively listens and acts on the voice of our people, and regulatory obligations are a baseline expectation.
Our three safety principles
Timberlink employees, contractors, suppliers, visitors, and customers are our strength and greatest asset. The safety culture supports, encourages, and empowers people to be safe.
Where and How we work, and the tools we use are safe and compliant.
We use common tools, resources, training, and systems that guide safe work. Our systems are simple and accessible.