Pallet and crate timber

Timber that doesn’t meet structural or appearance grading requirements can be used to manufacture packaging products such as pallets.
Safety and Handling
- When handling and cutting any timbers it is advisable to wear dust mask, goggles and gloves.
- The Timberlink Untreated Timber Safety Data Sheet (SDS) can be downloaded from here.
Australian Wood Packaging Certification Scheme – ISPM15
The Australian Wood Packaging Certification Scheme is administered by the Australian Federal Government via the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and ensures wood packaging complies with the international phytosanitary requirements of ISPM15.
This international standard regulates the movement of timber packaging and dunnage through international trade and aims to prevent the global spread of timber pests.
ISPM 15 applies to softwood and hardwood raw wood packaging material. This includes pallets, dunnage, crating, packing blocks, drums, cases, spools/reels, bulk heads, load boards, pallet collars and skids.
All Timberlink products that have been kiln dried at either our Tarpeena or Bell Bay manufacturing facilities comply with ISPM15 according to the heat treatment requirement of heating timber at >56 °C for longer than 30 minutes in the core of the piece. Our certification claim is stated on all invoices and delivery dockets.