Timberlink Australia sources most of its timber from Pine Plantations in Tasmania and South Australia. Certified plantations are managed to ensure an ongoing supply of sustainable, renewable and legally sourced pine resources.
Timberlink Australia holds an FSC® chain of custody and controlled wood certificate (FSC-C117015) covering our Australian manufacturing sites and distribution centres for the production and distribution of sawn timber (treated and untreated), woodchips, CLT, GLT, finger-joint, wood-plastic composite and all by-product including bark, reject logs, sawdust and charcoal. Our products are made of FSC certified and other controlled material. By choosing Timberlink Australia products, you are supporting responsible management of the world’s forests.
Timberlink holds Responsible Wood (RW) Chain of Custody certification for solid wood products and by-products (including woodchip) covering both our Australian manufacturing facilities, certificate number EWPAA-RW-COC-704. RW is the Australian member of PEFC International, the world’s largest forest certification system, enabling Timberlink to market RW certified products to the domestic market and PEFC certified products internationally.